Thursday, February 11, 2016

Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is described to be is a "semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers". On Hubspot, there is a worksheet that can help someone develop buyer personas. Hubsport describes buyer personas to be a crucial component of successful inbound marketing. The marketing team needs to know who the target market is and the selling team also needs to know it is to be successful. Some examples on the worksheet on Hubspot are: "what is their demographic information?", "where do they go for information?", and "what does a day in their life look like?". When thinking about your buyer personas, it is important to remember that there are three different buyer's journey stages. The three stages are awareness, consideration, and decision. Below, I will go into detail about what happens at each stage.
Awareness Stage: In the awareness stage, buyers are unaware of their problems or solutions. They are looking for information that will give them insight on finding a solution to their problem. The types of content that are often made to attract to people in this stage are research reports, eBooks, editorial content, expert content, and educational content. An example of an undefined problem in this stage is shown in the picture below.

Consideration Stage: In the consideration stage, buyers have defined what the problem actually is. In this stage, they will be researching approaches or methods that will possibly solve this problem. The types of content that are often made to attract people in this stage are expert guides, live interactions, webcasts, podcasts, and videos. An example of someone with a defined problem who is interested in finding options that will help solve their problem is shown in the picture below.

Decision Stage: In the decision stage, buyers have now decided on their solution method or strategy. They also most likely have a list of brands or products that will solve their problem for them. The types of content that are often made to attract people in this stage are vendor comparisons, product comparisons, trial downloads, and live demos. An example of a person going through their options to solve their problem is shown in the picture below.

I will attach the buyer persona developing worksheet, and content concepting worksheet that are on

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