Thursday, April 14, 2016

How Much Time to Spend on Social Media

In this blog post I am going to talk about how much time you should devote to social media. There are many time plans that you can choose from, those of which I will list below.

"Pardot's Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day"
  According to Pardot, most social media marketers do not know how to monitor their social media presence. The people at Pardot developed an infographic that outlines how to monitor your social media marketing in 30 minutes per day. Below, I will briefly go over how much time to spend on each social media sites.
  • Twitter: You should devote ten minutes to Twitter each day to respond to any tweets or messages your followers send to you. You should also promote any recent blog posts, content, or events, and you should scroll through your feed to retweet or share any content that your followers could be interested in.
  • Facebook: Facebook should be allotted six minutes of your time per day. On Facebook you should respond to comments, and scroll through your news feed to see if there is any relevant content to share or comment on. Lastly, and most importantly, you will want to share and promote your own content that consumers will want to see.
  •  LinkedIn: LinkedIn should also be allotted six minutes of your time per day. On LinkedIn you should share content and engage with your groups and company page
  • Pinterest: You should devote four minutes to Pinterest.  The four minutes should be spent pinning new content of your own, and repinning others content that is relavant to your brand.
  • Google: You should only spend two minutes on Google sharing content and posting questions.
  • Instagram: Like Google, Instagram should also be allotted two minutes to post interesting photos. Also, as I mentioned with the other social media sites, you should scroll through your feed to comment on any images that are relevant.  
If You do not have a presence on some of the social media sites listed above, devote extra time to the profiles you do have. The most important thing is to engage with your followers, and create relevant content on a weekly basis.

"Chris Brogan's Social Media Time Management"
 Chris Brogan is the CEO of Owner Media Group. Brogan recommends that you break down your social media marketing into four chunks. Brogan believes that two hours per day is the minimum  marketers should spend on social media. Americans spend an average of three hours per day so spending two per day on marketing to the targeted consumers seems about right. Below I will show you in bullet points how Brogan divides up the social media time.
  • 1/4 time= listening: You should start each day finding out what the world is saying about you, your competitors, and the market place. Scanning a few social media sites will allow to see what people are saying. This will help you see what is working or what is not working for your company and competitor companies.
  • 1/2 time= commenting and communication: Commenting and communicating with your targeted audience is important.  People will appreciate you taking the time to engage with them and answering questions that they may have. Most if not all companies have someone commenting and communicating to targeted consumers.
  • 1/4 time= creating: Again, creating relevant content is very, very important. Creating content may include blogging, posting photos or videos, or even creating email newsletters.

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