Thursday, January 28, 2016

Intro to Social Media Marketing

In each blog that is tagged as "Social Media Marketing", I will be discussing some of the major concepts that are discussed in CASA Marketing: Intro to Social Media Marketing. In this blog, I am going to be discussing chapter one which is titled: "the basics for having fun, finding work, working better".  The main concepts of this chapter center around ROI, WOM marketing, and social media platforms,


The first concept discussed in the chapter is ROI. No, it does not talk about what ROI is, but rather how not measuring ROI can have some serious consequences. In terms of social media marketing it simply means, "when a business spends money on social media marketing, what is the return on that investment". This is important because it allows a business to see if their money spent on social media marketing is giving them positive results. When social media first came out, every business HAD to have it. So businesses were just getting their brand on social media sites without measuring the effect it was actually having. That is why people were getting hired and fired so quickly. No one knew how to measure social media ROI. Having Social Media Marketing skills will help you get hired. In fact, it was the number one skill that was getting people hired in the past year.

WOM Marketing

For those of you who don't know, WOM stands for word of mouth marketing. On the internet, WOM marketing can be very beneficial to a business. However, WOM marketing can only work if the brand and the products are great. To help a business with this, one should listen to what people are saying about a company's brand and its products. Listening to what customers are saying can help a business make or keep their products excellent. That is how WOM marketing can help with social media platforms.

Social Media Platforms

There are many social media platforms, but the only ones covered in this book are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which were the top three most visited social media networks in the past year. LinkedIn is also discussed in this book for B2B purposes. In general, most companies that do social media marketing will likely have a Facebook page or Twitter account. They will use these platforms to post pictures of their products, offer promotions, and even interact with their customers. One new network on the rise is Pinterest. So one thing to keep in mind is to first learn about the primary networks, and then do research on other networks that could be on the rise. It could also be helpful to their about the types of audiences social media networks attract. An example of this would be a fashion retailer making an effort to get onto Pinterest. If you are not really aware of some of these Social Media Platforms, go to google and search them to understand what they are all about and how they can help a business.

Google Sites

In this blog post, I am going to talk about "Google Sites". Google Sites is any easy way to create and share webpages. Google describes creating a team or website to be as easy as as editing a document. Google Sites allows you to gather information, videos, calendars, attachments, and presentations all in one place. It then allows you to easily share any of it with a group or organization. If you decide that this is something that you would be interested in you can visit

Google Sites key product features:

  • Customize your site's interface
  • Create a new sub-page with the click of a button
  • Choose different page types, such as webpage
  • Centralize shared information, embed content into any page
  • Manage permission settings to keep your site as private or as view-able as you would like
  • Search across your Google Sites content with Google search technology

When visiting Google Sites, it gives you links under Overview, Setup, and Options. The links under Overview describe what Google Sites is all about in more detail, what is required for a Google Site, and any support for it. The links under the Setup heading will allow you to turn sites on or off for users, set sharing options, restrict access to new sites, change default visibility, and turn on commenting. Lastly, some of the links under are Options are manage gadget access, edit sites at your domain, change a site URL, manage page templates, create an external website, and improve site performance. I did not describe any of theses links under the three subheadings so if you want to learn more about Google Sites, how to set it up and how it works, visit the link from the last paragraph! Google Sites also gives you the option to use a 30 day free trial. So if you think that Google Sites could help you, you can try it for 30 free days and then decide if it is really worth paying for.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Keyword Rank Checker

Digital Marketing has become very important to businesses in today's society. Technology is rapidly increasing and it seems that almost everything is becoming digital. With that being said, I am going to tell you why and how a keyword rank checker can help a company get their website on the first page of a google search result.

 SEO Rank Check can help your website both short-term, and long-term.  First, the most obvious way that this can help you is it will show you where your company website is ranked based off of a certain keyword. This is important because when people type in a word on google, they are most likely going to click the first few links that they see on the page after they click enter. To generate customer traffic to your website, you are going to want to be on the first page of a google search page. 

The Long-term strategy should be to add content, or do whatever it is possible that you can do. Write down everything you have done each week so when you go to check your results of your website you can see if and what worked best. The best tactic of website or blog is quality content. However, you need to inform people about your website so they are able to view it and see the quality content that is on there. You can try to share content and even ask people what the most important thing is that they want to know about a certain topic. You can post it to a social media site or even posting it on LinkedIn can help. The overall goal is to let people know that you have a blog or website and inform them what it is about.

How do I do this?: Below, I will list steps of an example website and keyword that you can use to see results on the SEO Keyword Rank Checker. The link to enter the example website and keyword is also below.

Keyword: non profit stock exchange website is optional

The above image shows that the website is not ranked to appear on any of the top three search engines.