Monday, January 25, 2016

Keyword Rank Checker

Digital Marketing has become very important to businesses in today's society. Technology is rapidly increasing and it seems that almost everything is becoming digital. With that being said, I am going to tell you why and how a keyword rank checker can help a company get their website on the first page of a google search result.

 SEO Rank Check can help your website both short-term, and long-term.  First, the most obvious way that this can help you is it will show you where your company website is ranked based off of a certain keyword. This is important because when people type in a word on google, they are most likely going to click the first few links that they see on the page after they click enter. To generate customer traffic to your website, you are going to want to be on the first page of a google search page. 

The Long-term strategy should be to add content, or do whatever it is possible that you can do. Write down everything you have done each week so when you go to check your results of your website you can see if and what worked best. The best tactic of website or blog is quality content. However, you need to inform people about your website so they are able to view it and see the quality content that is on there. You can try to share content and even ask people what the most important thing is that they want to know about a certain topic. You can post it to a social media site or even posting it on LinkedIn can help. The overall goal is to let people know that you have a blog or website and inform them what it is about.

How do I do this?: Below, I will list steps of an example website and keyword that you can use to see results on the SEO Keyword Rank Checker. The link to enter the example website and keyword is also below.

Keyword: non profit stock exchange website is optional

The above image shows that the website is not ranked to appear on any of the top three search engines.

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