Thursday, January 28, 2016

Intro to Social Media Marketing

In each blog that is tagged as "Social Media Marketing", I will be discussing some of the major concepts that are discussed in CASA Marketing: Intro to Social Media Marketing. In this blog, I am going to be discussing chapter one which is titled: "the basics for having fun, finding work, working better".  The main concepts of this chapter center around ROI, WOM marketing, and social media platforms,


The first concept discussed in the chapter is ROI. No, it does not talk about what ROI is, but rather how not measuring ROI can have some serious consequences. In terms of social media marketing it simply means, "when a business spends money on social media marketing, what is the return on that investment". This is important because it allows a business to see if their money spent on social media marketing is giving them positive results. When social media first came out, every business HAD to have it. So businesses were just getting their brand on social media sites without measuring the effect it was actually having. That is why people were getting hired and fired so quickly. No one knew how to measure social media ROI. Having Social Media Marketing skills will help you get hired. In fact, it was the number one skill that was getting people hired in the past year.

WOM Marketing

For those of you who don't know, WOM stands for word of mouth marketing. On the internet, WOM marketing can be very beneficial to a business. However, WOM marketing can only work if the brand and the products are great. To help a business with this, one should listen to what people are saying about a company's brand and its products. Listening to what customers are saying can help a business make or keep their products excellent. That is how WOM marketing can help with social media platforms.

Social Media Platforms

There are many social media platforms, but the only ones covered in this book are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which were the top three most visited social media networks in the past year. LinkedIn is also discussed in this book for B2B purposes. In general, most companies that do social media marketing will likely have a Facebook page or Twitter account. They will use these platforms to post pictures of their products, offer promotions, and even interact with their customers. One new network on the rise is Pinterest. So one thing to keep in mind is to first learn about the primary networks, and then do research on other networks that could be on the rise. It could also be helpful to their about the types of audiences social media networks attract. An example of this would be a fashion retailer making an effort to get onto Pinterest. If you are not really aware of some of these Social Media Platforms, go to google and search them to understand what they are all about and how they can help a business.

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