Monday, February 15, 2016


In this blog, I am going to be talking about Twitter. Twitter is a social media site that is similar to Facebook, but also very different. I will discussing the steps to make a Twitter account, and what it offers that could be valuable to a business or an organization. There is no right or wrong about using Twitter, but the most important question for a business should be: What audience do I want to address, and is this audience on Twitter?

Overview of Twitter
If you are are unaware of what Twitter is, or how it works, I would suggest talking a look at the following link: It is an example of a common use of Twitter. To give you some more information about Twitter, I will state some facts about it and how it works in a bullet point format.

  • Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters-this means that the post is a very concise comment, possibly with a link or a picture attached.
  • If you want to mention an account in a tweet you must use the @ symbol and then scan twitter for whatever account it is that you want to tweet at. The @ symbol is the way of letting someone know about something.
  • Something very common on twitter that you may have heard before is a hashtag. A # is another "tag" you would use, if your post is involving someone or something. An example would be be if you were talking about a play that happened in the Super Bowl, you would follow the comment with a #SuperBowl.
  • There are many companies and brands that have an active Twitter page to tweet information, or advertise to their target market. There are also many celebrities who have a Twitter account.
  • If you need more help or are still confused about how Twitter works, visit .

How to Create a Twitter Account
Now that I have went over the basics of Twitter, it is time to get ready to create a Twitter Account! First, go to Twitter, and start entering your name, your email, and a password. It will then direct you to a screen where you can choose a username, which can be whatever you would like. Once you have picked the username, click create my account. It will then send you to a page that shows you how things work. If you want to learn more about Twitter go ahead and read each page, otherwise you may keep clicking the "next" button until it suggests people to "follow". If you see people or brands that you want to follow, click follow and you will see all of the tweets they make. Lastly, go to your e-mail and once you confirm your e-mail address and your account. Congratulations you have created your own Twitter page!

ROI and Strategy
Just like Facebook, Twitter offers advertising. You can also include promotions, coupons, and special offers in a tweet. But again, the most important part of advertising or promoting on Twitter is including a link that will allow you to see how many people came to the company website from Twitter, and how many people purchased something. A large amount of people spend time on Twitter, and the majority of these people are of a younger demographic, and are tech savvy. They likely have the Twitter app on their cell phone and are most likely checking their Twitter feed a few times per day. So although advertising on Twitter may sound like a great idea, it is important to make sure that a large portion of the target market uses Twitter.   If you need more help with advertising on Twitter, I suggest clicking on the following link:

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